Don't fear pain. It is your best friend
Most people avoid pain. I was "most people" most my life
Hey Friends,
Here we are, on our every Saturday’s edition of “Raw and Real” where every week I share:
1 Raw and real observation about life
2 one liners (because they are cool)
3 gratitudes (because why not!)
Let’s go!!
1 Raw and Real observation about life
Most people do everything to avoid their pain.
I was “most people” most my life.
Now, when pain comes, I treat it differently.
I know I did my best and yet there was something I could do better.
I know it was there for me, and not plotting “against” who I was.
I know I felt it because I put my heart and soul into what I did.
And every single time, without fail, whenever I have acknowledged my pain, I have found the strength to deal with it.
Because it is no longer the elephant in the room.
It has now reduced to a fly that needs to just spatted away.
So, here is my quick message to you my friend, on this weekend:
Tell yourself clearly the pain you are going through.
Write it out.
Walk it out.
Express it out.
To yourself.
Do not worry about finding a solution.
You are wise enough to find it eventually.
You just have to be strong enough to know your pain, for now.
It is like “knowing your audience”.
You can be epic at your art but if you make something for a 20 year old and show it to their grandfather, they might hate it.
So is the case with your pain.
At work. With family. With friends.
When you truly “know” it, that is when it truly stops to “own” you.
Own your pain.
So it stops owning you.
2 one-liners for life
As long as there is pain, there is hope.
We have NO right to give pain to others just because we are suffering.
Empathy isn't conditional. It is a lifestyle.
Narcissism isn't an option. It is banned.
3 gratitudes for tiny things
(I do this to share how tiny and big things are so important. And to quietly nudge you, to start acknowledging the tiny and big things in your own life.)
Family. Mine is dysfunctional. But it is mine. I hope you also resonate :)
Electricity. There was power cut and inverter battery had also run out in our home today. I became more grateful for electricity when it resumed ::)
Pens: My desk and bags and books are all surrounded by pens. I cut down on clothes, eating out, tons of lavishness but one thing I love is capturing my ideas everywhere and anywhere. For that, at any point of time, you will find at least 10 pens in my vicinity. And I’m grateful to all of them :)
That is all, ladies and gentlemen!
(PS: September has been very hectic, and I have been very late on delivering Raw and Real to your inbox. Next week onwards I will be on time. 8.30 am every Saturday. I promise.)
Thank you, for supporting every week.
I owe it to you all. Trust me.