Raw and Real Conversation
Growing up, my father used to take care of “making money” and my Mom used to be the “housewife”.
I never saw my father doing household chores.
Also my mother never asked for it, because she felt he was working hard to give us a great life.
It did not affect us as a family for a few years, because I have three elder sisters, and they three (and Mom) used to take care of household chores.
However, as they kept getting married, two things happened:
They also never expected their husbands to help them at home. As a result, they now used to manage work and home alone!
Whenever they used to come home, they expected Mom to pamper them infinitely. As a result, my Mom became perpetually tired. Something that affects her till date.
As I think over these over the years, if my father had helped a bit in household chores OR if my sisters had drawn a page from my mom’s life, life would have been so different for all of us!
This is how the world of a woman changes when the man of the family helps her.
I think you kinda know where we are going…
If you are a man, please see if you can help in your family as well. It does not make you any smaller, if only, it shows how good you are as an efficient person.
If you are a woman who feels weird to ask your family to help, know that people are willing to help if you let them know how. You just have to stop being the Superwoman and go ask for help.
After all, the world is great when both women and men work together, both in the office and at home.
Otherwise, we are simply moving from one Women’s Day wish to another.
Not something you’d want to sign up for.
Raw Lessons of the Week:
Do the hard things first to avoid making a hard life.
Ask for help. All of the time. It only makes you more empowered.
Draw your boundaries so you can respect yourself and not feel drained.
Real Gratitude of the Week:
For my parents. As much as they are weird, they love me and want to be with me unlike no one. And I gotta be grateful to them.
What’s something you are grateful about your parents? Let me know in the response. Let’s make it a love-you-parents thread :)