Raw and Real conversation:
Every evening, as I wrap up my day, I write one tiny story for the day, that could become “the highlight” of the day. The idea, is to record the stories of life, to keep a symphony of your life going.
However, one such day during the last week, it was a totally mundane day.
I had only calls that day, and no sense of “accomplishment” or any small or big event that’d conspire for a tiny thing. Nothing at all.
It rarely happens, if ever. But that was one such day.
I was ready to call it a bad day.
However, as I opened up the excel and I had nothing to write, I had a realisation:
I did my morning workout. Walked in the park. My parents are healthy. Had all my meals. Went to my spiritual class.
Even though “nothing big” happened that day, all of these were bigger than blessings, that I would not trade for anything, anything at all.
And then, I also had clicked this picture early in the morning from my balcony, while working out:
Isn’t it beautiful? The spring we wait for eagerly, during the winters?
It turns out, the most mundane days are life’s biggest blessings.
When everything is going as it should is a blessing. Because the opposite of it is a nightmare, that we would never ever want.
So, here is my question to you my friend:
What is something in your life that is boring but is at its best?
Your fitness? Your family life? Career? A good book by your bed side? Ability to understand yourself? The joy of reading this newsletter without worrying about anything else at the moment?
That is your biggest joy. Because the big things in life are by default, either few or rare. That promotion, that vacation, that big client - all are good, but it is in mundane when we do not realise how blessed we are and how much power we have.
If this is not joy, I don’t know what is.
All of these are not something that are made up, all of these are something that are your biggest strengths, that are unique to you, that make others get inspired by you
Reminds me of something Rohan Joshi, the comedian once said:
And when you think…you might think you are weak, but you are someone else’s source of strength, whether you know it or not.
PS: Mingle in your mundane, that is the merit that your memories will muse the most.
Raw one-liners:
When you draw your boundaries, you teach others how to treat you.
Not responding (immediately) to an angry message of someone gives them the leverage to delete it in a few minutes. Delay.
Your thoughts are always always creating your reality, even when you “think” they are not!
Real gratitude:
I was going through the feedback form on my latest e-Book “How to Deal with Heartbreak” in my The Year of Writing project, and this feedback just made me realise why I do what I do:
I love my readers :))
You can also get the e-Book here.
That is it for this week, friends.
Be raw. Be real. Be relatable :)
Top reads of the week:
| The rare act of getting new ideas: Week 14/52 | The evil and the good |
Here’s the complete list of all our e-Books, for you to choose:
The Career Changing Guide (bestseller): Change your career to what you want, grow your confidence, and make more money off it.
The Corporate Life Handbook: Your go-to friend in your corporate life
How to Deal with Heartbreak: How to process the pain, let go, and love yourself