Yo friends, 4th last newsletter of 2023!!
Where every week, we have:
1 Raw and Real conversation
2 One-liners
3 pieces of gratitude (because do you even realise how blessed you are)
1 Raw and Real Conversation
Why you should still say no - despite it having an upside
Almost everything you say no to, has an upside as well.
If I say no to bingewatching Netflix, I may miss out on a life-changing line!
If I say no to eating dessert right before sleeping, I might miss out on a soft piece of velvet cake.
If I say no to going on that trip, I might miss out on wonderful pictures I’ll might click with my colleagues.
However, the question you gotta ask yourself is: “Is saying yes to something you want to say no to, even worth it?”
Is it worth giving up my sleep (and my next day’s freshness), for a movie that won’t change anything in my life?
Is it worth eating before sleeping and choosing cravings, instead of eating 3 hours prior and choosing to be healthy?
Is it worth going on that trip and trying to appear happy, while you know you will feel mentally drained out in your head?
More often than not, we say yes only because we fear judgement of what the other person might think of us.
Let me tell you a secret:
When you say no because something is not aligned with your values,
you teach others to say no as well.
They are quietly inspired by you, even if they cringe on the outside. (Trust me on this.)
So go out there, say a polite no to everything that does not fit your bill at the moment, and be your own biggest supporter.
No for that get-together.
No to going out if you want to get into a bed and read.
No for that binge-watching reaction videos (there is a team that goes into making you click on those thumbnails). Get yourself a life. You are not going to miss out on anything.
And when you say no to everything that isn’t you, you say yes to yourself!
Your joy. Your dancing to reels. Or calling your bestie. Or going for a walk in the park.
What will happen as a result of this is miraculous:
You would have built a territory of self-love, that you will accept requests of people when you can, guilt-free, complain-free, and sadness-free.
Truth be told, that is the best life. Try it out this weekend itself :)
2 One-Liners on Life (because life’s too short to be creepy)
Discipline over dedication. Action over accusation.
The biggest asset you will ever possess is being secure in your skin.
3 Gratitudes for life
My bua - My bua was in Delhi last week, and I spent a good half day with her. Good to meet family outside of home, builds a familiar feeling even more <3
Sunlight - These days I write on my desk till 10.30 am, which is the abode of direct sunlight, post which I go to my landlords’ terrace - and soak in some more sun for almost 1-1.5 hours. Good for the body
Jaggery - Almost every winter morning, I have a roti stuffed with jaggery, along with a spicy parantha. It keeps the body immune, and pacifies the huge hunger pangs of winter. Most importantly, helps me lose weight :)
Hope you enjoyed reading the Raw and Real as much as I loved writing it :)
See you next week, ladies and gentlemen :))
Thank you
PS: Whenever you are ready, here are two ways I can help you:
The Art of Corporate Communications, a course that shares the exact system I used to go from 0 to communicating with people of 20+ years of experience, conducting audits with opposing people for 5 years, managing Content team of a brand with 9Mn+ followers, and now leading my solopreneurship. (Fun fact: 90% of problems are due to communication).
The Career Changing Guide, a simple easy to read e-book to change your career to do something you love, and make money off it.