Sitemap - 2024 - Raw and Real by Nishtha

3 unusual things about New Year Resolutions

Have we forgotten the meaning of freedom?

54 unusual life lessons from 2024

When I was 20 (and a big fool)

It breaks my heart to see this...

"I love you" isn't enough

Work life balance, or too much work?

How to stay away from your phone

Why I am not an "official coach"

The $350 Life Lesson

Death is the destination we all share

We are in a war. A war against ChatGPT.

What I learnt from walking 5,000 steps a day

What to do when you are confused?

"Promise me you will resign tomorrow", my father said

25 supercool things most people think are dumb

Your struggle is the best gift you have

How to write your own book

DON'T Prove them wrong.

23 Unusual truths about life that most people don't know

We need to talk ourselves out, my friend

Why I abandoned a mega project of 2024

3 Unusual ways to stop thinking about others

The biggest mistake I've made as a solopreneur

What do you NOT want to do?

A sneak peek of life inside a meditation centre

Maybe we all are chasing the wrong things

One (and only one) life lesson on birthday :)

Maybe Bunny was wrong all along

Who carries food for a 10 day vacation?

Your work is 50% of your life (maybe), not 100% of it

Handling difficult colleagues and taking weekends off

Questions from manager and the biggest skill

Every writer needs to read this

I ain't your grandmom, but what if I were? :)

You have a dysfunctional family? Tell me one person who hasn't...

The need for money is making you make less of it

9 Super Valuable Lessons 9 Years Of Corporate Life Have Taught Me

The most boring days are the biggest blessings

Sometimes, money and mobile phone is not the answer

I have never procrastinated for a month...

Here's my biggest superpower

All my clients have one thing in common

How I saw my Mom getting tired over the years...

When you think you were over that heartbreak...

Unusual things I am learning from SharkTank

My most viral tweet of 2024 + something special only for you

13 Lessons from 31 days of January

That apology ain't coming, my friend :(

If you are someone who is good at their work, this is for you

After 4 years, we finally get on a 1:1 with covid

A special special edition of Raw and Real